船长常用信函-NOR-备妥通知书-Notice of Readiness

To Shipper(or receiver)

To Charterers

To Agent

To Other parties concerned (If given in the voyage instructions)

Dear sirs,

Please take notice that M/V ⅩⅩⅩ,under my command, has arrived at the port of Xinggang at 0600 on 12th October 2001, and she is ready in all respects to commence discharging/loading her cargo in accordance with the terms, conditions and exemptions of the relevant charter party and/or agreement concerned .

Notice of Readiness tendered at 0600 on 12th October 2001.

Notice of Readiness accepted at on

Yours faithfully

The master of MV ⅩⅩⅩ

注:1、备妥通知书递交的两个条件是抵达船舶(arrived ship) 和事实备妥(physically ready in all respects)。

2、在需要递交第二份备妥通知书的情况下(如:公司有指示、验舱一次未通过等),应在第二份备妥通知书上加注“WITHOUT PREJUDICE TO HET ORIGINAL”,即不影响第一份的效力。


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