装货单 (Shipping Order)

装货单 (Shipping Order) 俗称下货纸,是指接受了托运人提出的托运申请后,由船公司签发给托运人的、凭以命令船长将承运的货物装船的单据。装货单既可用作装船依据,又是货主凭以向海关办理出口清关手续的重要单据之一,所以装货单又称“关单” 。





– 存储费用:取决于您存储在亚马逊仓库中的商品数量和类型;

– 订单处理费:取决于您的产品类别和订单数量;

– 配送费用:基于您的商品重量,包装和目的地确定;

– 其他费用:如退货和清项目等费用。



1) 了解目标国家的退税政策,保证使用的服务符合当地要求;

2) 选择可靠的FBA头程退税服务提供商,确保服务质量和效果;

3) 提供完整的退税材料和文件,确保退税申请的成功。


Dear Miss. xxx, 

Thanksgiving is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation! We believe that as long as the heart is always grateful, everything will be as the heart wishes! 

In this beautiful day, please allow me to share another joy! In order to thank our old customers, our company is now launching a number of new products with more affordable prices. You can consider booking some in advance! The opportunity is rare, the discount is no longer, and a small gift is attached. I wish you and your family a happy Thanksgiving! 

Respectfully … 


Dear Mr. xxx,

We are already updating our online catalog http://www.xxxxxxxxx.com.

Now it covers the latest new products, which are now on the market. We believe you will find some attractive new products in our product line.

When Thanksgiving is coming, we send some samples and gifts.

If you are interested, remember to contact us at any time!

Happy holidays to you and your family again! 

Best regards 



OPPO Reno 11系列新品发布会

2023年11月23日,深圳—— OPPO 今日发布Reno11系列新品。Reno11 系列全系标配单反级人像摄像头,配合全新单反级人像模式与继承自OPPO Find 系列的旗舰影像算法,使用户能够轻松拍摄出接近专业光学镜头的人像虚化照片,并获得与 Find 系列高度一致的色彩和影调。Reno11 系列率先搭载 ColorOS 14,全面升级的超算平台与流体云功能,构建流畅无负担的全新体验。

OPPO Reno11 系列新品共有 Reno11 Pro、Reno11 两个版本可选,即刻开启预定,并将于 11 月 25 日正式发售。 

OPPO发布Reno 11标准版:2499元起

Reno11 系列即日开启全面预订,Reno11将于11月25日开售,Reno11 Pro将于12月1日开售。

至于大家关心的售价,Reno11 Pro提供月光宝石、松石绿、曜石黑三款配色,12GB+256GB 版本售价3499元、12GB+512GB版本售价 3799元。

Reno11 提供月光宝石、萤石青、曜石黑三款颜色,8GB+256GB 版本售价2499元、 12GB+256GB 版本售价 2799 元、12GB+512GB 版本售价 2999 元。


Dear Miss. xxx, 

First of all, I wish you and your family Thanksgiving come soon! 

Thank you for meeting this year, so that we have a happy cooperation and win-win! Take this important holiday and send some small gifts with Chinese characteristics.

I hope you like it! We look forward to joining hands with you on a new journey~ Happy holidays!

 Kind regards…